
2024/2025 Heating Season Payment Plans

Pre-Buy Program:

We offer a pre-buy program for customers who use over 400 gallons/year. This is a “pay in advance” program to “lock in” your propane price for the heating season. We will estimate your usage based on your prior season’s usage. You will be put on automatic delivery for the season.

The Pre-Buy program starts June 17th, 2024 and you must lock in before August 30th, 2024.

If there is a remaining balance at the end of the heating season, that balance can be put toward the following year’s pre-buy purchase, or you can choose to have your balance refunded.

If you use all your pre-buy gallons before the end of the heating season, you may be able to purchase additional gallons depending on our pre-buy supply at that point.

Budget Plan:

We are now offering a budget plan for the 2024/25 heating season. The budget plan will be an 11-month payment plan starting in July. This will help you manage your Winter heating costs. To estimate your monthly payments, we split your estimated total heating costs into 11 monthly installments. You will also be put on automatic delivery for the season.

When you are enrolling in our Budget Billing plan, you don’t use more propane or pay more per gallon. You only pay for the fuel you receive, and there are no finance charges. If your actual fuel costs are a little higher or lower than we estimate, we will adjust as necessary during the year.

Your payment will be billed on the 1st of each month starting in July and ending in May. Your payment will be due by the 10th of each month.

Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Budget Plan:

  1. Is the budget price per gallon the actual price I will pay for all propane deliveries?

No. The price per gallon that your monthly budget payment is computed on is a “planning estimate only”. When a delivery is made, your account will be charged the actual market price that day.

  1. What happens at the end of the 11 months if I have extra money in my account, do I lose it?

No! Any remaining credit balances can either be applied to your new (next) budget or it can be refunded to you.

  1. What happens at the end of May if I owe money?

We ask that all remaining balances as of May 31st be paid in full by the end of June of each year.

  1. What happens if I miss a budget payment?

It’s extremely important that all budget accounts be kept current. Any budget account that falls behind will be placed on “Budget Hold” and no further deliveries will be made until the account is made current.

  1. Can I pay for my budget payments electronically?

Yes. You can pay on-line via our website, customer portal, or we can set up an autopay on your credit card account.

  1. What happens if I sell my home or move away in the middle of the budget year?

Any credit balances at the time the account is closed can be refunded to you upon request. Any outstanding balances are due in full.

  1. If I become a customer after the start of the Budget season, may I still have a budget plan?

Yes. We will create a budget plan based upon your 1st month as a customer, and you will end your budget plan in May. The subsequent year, you will have an 11 month budget plan.