
Do I Need a Licensed Gas Technician to Install My Propane Appliances?

propane tank fill, walts & sons

We understand that some homeowners want to do ‘DIY” projects to learn trades and to save money. You can run your own gas lines and install an appliance however only a licensed LP and Natural Gas Technician with an Appliance Installation & Service endorsement can put any new gas lines or gas appliances into service in the State of Maine.

As with all “DIY” projects that require a trade, there are some considerations to think about before you start:

  • Turn your gas supply off at the tank before starting any projects on your Propane system.
  • Check code requirements before starting any gas installation project.
  • Ensure that any appliance is approved for indoor use and installed per the manufacturer’s instructions.
    • Note that vent-free heaters are not allowed in a bedroom or bathroom.
    • Note that many appliances come ready to install in a Natural Gas system. You must convert any Natural Gas appliance to run on Propane.
  • Ensure the materials you use are approved to be used in a gas installation. For example, you cannot use:
    • Plastic flexible connectors
    • Water fittings
    • Refrigeration fittings
  • Ensure that the gas line that you run is the correct size in order that your appliance will run correctly.
  • All appliances must have a shut-off within 6 feet of the appliance and be on the “same floor” as the appliance. A common mistake is to put a shutoff in the basement and run the line “up” to the floor above.
  • Many appliances require a sediment trap
  • Appliance Venting must be approved by the manufacturer and installed per manufacturer specifications.

Call your Propane Provider before you start any project to ensure you have the proper equipment and materials. Also, ensure you also have a gas check performed by your Propane Provider before turning the gas back on. DO NOT use any gas lines or appliances until this is done.

We are here to help you but more importantly… TO KEEP YOU SAFE!